Themes / Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance
Quality has been defined as the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy a given need; and Quality Assurance as all activities and functions concerned with the attainment of quality. In shorter form it can be described as achieving fitness for purpose at an economic cost.
The index of services, which forms part of UILI's Register of Members, demonstrates a professional resource that is a key element in the process of QA implementation.
Quality Assurance applies to such diverse subjects as the engineering industry, food, textiles, pharmaceuticals, in fact to all products and services.
It covers the application of scientific and technological skills, and specialised management techniques to achieve the required level of quality at an acceptable cost: and includes the management, control, audit and surveillance of quality at corporate, system, process and product level; inspection, testing, metrology, calibration, reliability, engineering and standardisation.