
General Assemblies

The General Assembly shall meet at least every two years, or at such intervals as shall be decided by the Governing Board. It shall:

  • make recommendations to the Governing Board on the activities of UILI;
  • elect a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer and a Secretary-General from amongst the members of the Governing Board, who will serve until the next General Assembly;
  • decide on the amount of the membership dues until the next General Assembly.

At a General Assembly every Ordinary member present shall have the right to vote. The decisions of the General Assembly can only be carried with a 75 per cent majority of those voting.
Observers may by invitation attend and speak at a General Assembly.
Notice of a General Assembly must be given to the members at least four months before the due date.

Calendar events
NameDescriptionCreated AtStart DateEnd DateVenueEvent typeDetail
UILI 29th General AssemblyTo be announced30-08-2023 01:08:3718-04-202518-04-2025To be announcedGeneral Assembly
UILI 28th General AssemblyRotterdam, The Netherlands28-11-2017 22:04:4116-04-202316-04-2023Sheraton, Rotterdam, The NetherlandsGeneral Assembly
UILI 27th General AssemblyBogota, Colombia17-11-2015 14:07:0025-08-201725-08-2017Bogota, ColombiaGeneral Assembly
UILI 26th General AssemblyBuenos Aires, Argentina 23-01-2014 18:11:0917-09-201517-09-2015Buenos Aires, Argentina General Assembly
UILI 25th General AssemblyBarcelona, Spain01-11-2012 10:59:1729-11-201329-11-2013Barcelona, SpainGeneral Assembly
UILI 24th General AssemblyParis, France02-08-2011 15:09:1516-09-201116-09-2011Maison de la Chimie, Paris, FranceGeneral Assembly
UILI 23rd General AssemblyOsaka, Japan08-08-2011 10:25:2222-10-201022-10-2010Osaka, JapanGeneral Assembly
UILI 22nd General AssemblyMalaga, Spain08-08-2011 10:27:5705-09-200805-09-2008Malaga, SpainGeneral Assembly
UILI 21st General AssemblyBrussels, Belgium08-08-2011 10:29:3107-09-200707-09-2007Brussels, BelgiumGeneral Assembly
UILI 20th General AssemblyLondon, United Kingdom08-08-2011 10:30:1230-09-200530-09-2005London, United KingdomGeneral Assembly
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