Newsletter April 2014
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From the President’s desk
Dear Members of UILI:
Last November I had the honor to be reelected by UILI´s general Assembly for the presidency of UILI for the 2014-2015 term, and we have presented a strategic plan and some of the aims included are:
To develop liaisons with other laboratory and conformity assessment associations in either the private and public sectors that may provide synergies to reach UILI’s goals
- To improve UILI’s participation in international organizations such as EA, ILAC, IAF, ISO… to represent laboratories world-wide by formulating and voicing their opinion regarding economical and technical issues of direct impact on their activity.
- To spread UILI’s presence worldwide, increasing number of members associated, welcoming all kind of laboratories: Independent, Public and those from Big Industry Corporations
- To improve UILI´s worth for all laboratory members
UILI is developing a considerable effort to increase the number of country Associations and non-affiliated laboratories members associated specially from outside Europe. In this regard it should be taking into account that ILAC is promoting the development of regional organizations of accreditation bodies in different parts of the world as for example in South America or in the Arabic countries, in order to coordinate the work of different accreditation bodies. In accordance to this policy EUROLAB has proposed to UILI to work together in promoting the creation of regional organizations of labs worldwide so that these regional organizations could also re-enforce the paper of UILI. This proposal is very welcome in UILI.
The promotion of Regional Organizations of Laboratories is not an easy task, because other regions of the world, are not as well organized as we are here in Europe. There are not regional organizations nor even Country Associations for instance in South America, Africa or Asia. So first it is necessary to develop strategies to approach the individual laboratories and show them the advantages of be members of UILI in defense of their professional and commercial interests.
Kind Regards,
Dr. Fernandez Alonso
13th UILI President
From the Secretary-General's desk
In the past years the Governing Board started to work on a membership recruitment effort. In this we also a complete new membership recruitment package in 3 languages (English, French and Japanese). Any laboratory organization interested in joining UILI should now register on our website.
How can I join? Apply for membership on the UILI website or fill in the membership form:
Download the brochure for more information:
UILI invites sponsors to advertise on our website
As part of the associate membership plan these members can now sponsor UILI by advertising on the UILI website. The total fee for associate membership including the webadvertising scrolling banner is € 1.200 per year. You can apply for associate membership with an e-mail to secretary-general@uili.org or register on the website.
UILI Board Meeting, November 29, 2013 Barcelona, Spain
On November 29, 2013 the UILI Governing Board had its winter Governing Board meeting and the 25Th General Assembly and the following Board positions were elected for the 2014-2015 term:
- Dr. Manahén Fernández Alonso (Spain) – President
- Dr. Hideo Tabata (Japan) – Past-President
- Dr. Luc Scholtis (The Netherlands) – Secretary-General
- Mr. Jan Soers (Belgium) – Vice-President
- Mr. Gib McIntee (Canada) – Vice-President
- Dr. Matsumura (Japan) – Hon Treasurer
The elected President presented a proposal for a strategic plan for UILI
Draft strategic plan for 2014/15 term: Aims and proposed stragies.
- To spread UILI’s presence worldwide.
- To increase number of members associated.
- To welcome all kind of laboratories: Independent, Public and those from big Industry corporations.
- To create a list that includes all laboratory associations and non-affiliated laboratories of any kind world-wide.
- To prepare broadcasting brochures to make UILI’s marketing.
- To contact by e-mail or by phone (when necessary) the associations and laboratories managers to send them UILI’s information.
- To increase UILI’s income.
- To optimize budget.
- To get more income from new members.
- To optimize expenses.
- To get income from sponsors/banners
- To implement and make effective MOU agreements with other Organizations such as the one with EUROLAB.
- To look for interchanges with other organizations that may provide synergies to reach UILI’s goals.
- To reach a more effective participation of UILI’s board members in the working committees were issues affecting the activity of laboratories are discussed
- To evaluate the advantages of signing new MOUs with other international organizations
- To fill the position unaffiliated member representative in the board.
- To improve UILI’s participation in international organizations such as EA, ILAC, IAF, ISO… to represent laboratories world-wide by formulating and voicing their opinion regarding economical and technical issues of direct impact on their activity.
- To develop specialized committees inside UILI where they can be studied and made proposals of basic issues that are being discussed in international organizations.
- To look for a convenient social headquarter for UILI.
- To contact directly from presidency potential candidates to unaffiliated representative.
- To distribute among board members the tasks of participation in international organizations, according with the geographic situation of the events.
- To give economic help to cover travel expenses of participation if necessary.
- To improve UILI´s worth for all laboratory members
- To improve relationships among members
- To provide access to specialized information
- To strengthen business opportunities
- To include Updated information about important issues for Laboratories discussed in International organizations: EA, ILAC-IAF, ISO.
- Create a chat /forum for discussion.
- Feed information about news and specialized Information.
- Frequency: trimestral
- News provided by board representatives and assistants to international forums.
- To broad participation world-wide.
- To increase frequency.
- To include more matrix for example food.
The next Spring Governing Board Meeting will be held by teleconference on skype on 22-04-2014.
The Fall Governing Board Meeting will be held in Izmir, Turkey on 16-17 October 2014 and it will include several meetings of working groups, committees, and other events such as workshops, conferences…
7th UILI Inter-Laboratory Practice Report
The 7th UILI-ILP Report has been issued and distributed in Mid-February 2013. In total 154 laboratories participated in the international study. The program focussed on analytical methods used in the analysis of metals in drinking water and saline water. 10 Target compounds in 2 different samples were measured.
Click here to download the 7th UILI ILP Report.
8th UILI Inter-Laboratory Practice 2ndAnnouncement
Final Call registration extended until April 30th 2014
As of today 117 laboratories did already register for our 8th UILI ILP. To give more laboratories the possibility to participate in our true global inter laboratory comparison the ILP committee has decided to extend the possibility to sign up for until April 30, 2014.
- Type of the program: Metals in pure water
Sample 1 and 2:
"Concentration of target elements will be no-need of pre-treatment and/or concentration”
- Target compound: 15 metals (Be, Al, Mn, Zn, Sb, B, Ti, Ni, As, Hg, Mg, Cr, Cu, Cd, Pb)
- Deadline of application : April 30, 2014
Sample distribution: As of April 8, 2014
- Reporting deadline: June 20, 2014
- Issue of final report: September, 2014
Participation fee:
UILI Member : € 200.00
UILI Non-Member : € 300.00
Method of participation
Send E-mail to Mrs. Melissa Fernández Valero (UILI secretary)
E-mail: secretariat@UILI.org or register on the UILI website www.uili.org.
Click here to download the 8th UILI ILP 2ndAnnouncement.
Click here to register for participation in the 8th UILI Inter-Laboratory Practice.
AELI Continues it's crusade against unfair competition
AELI has hired the services of a specialized law firm to make claims against the organizations that make unfair competition to the laboratories in Spain.
AELI (Spanish Association of Independent Laboratories) with FELAB, organize an annual set of training courses for laboratories. These courses are specialized in solve the most common problems that have calibration, analysis & testing laboratories. And are necessaries for the training of their different employees. Some examples are: Quality audits, Internal laboratory audits, Microbiology analysis, Water analysis, estimations of uncertainty, Proficiency testing’s and others.
Besides, AELI (Spanish Association of Independent Laboratories) with FELAB organize an annual Symposium. In this event is commented and discussed the most relevant and actual issues for the laboratories, for example: Laboratory Marketing, Laboratory Internationalization, legal and technical issues.
CCIL plans for succesions
Succession planning
As with any successful organization, CCIL has for many years enjoyed the benefits of its volunteer Board of Directors, some of whom have been with the former CTA (Canadian Testing Association) and CCIL for more than 40 years, i.e. Gib McIntee 40+ years, Stephen Walker 25+ years, and finally Michael Maher and Al Nathoo 15+ years. Newly elected President Jeff Pike has set as one of his objectives to look at the future and plan for a succession so that CCIL remains strong and vital to the Canadian testing industry and beyond.
The importance of a good succession is the reliance on systems and not the reliance on individuals. The aim will be to 1) develop current job descriptions; 2) itemize the critical staff, when and what they do; 3) itemize where everything is maintained and 4) maintain a critical list of contacts.
Reduction in Membership fees
The highly successful laboratory certification programs have provided CCIL with the opportunity to give back to its members by reducing by 50% their CCIL corporate and associate corporate membership fees. Furthermore, all participants in the CCIL concrete laboratory certification program will see their fees reduced by a further 15%.
Certification Programs
Nation-wide, there are currently over 785 CCIL laboratory certifications for asphalt, aggregate and concrete testing. CCIL is the largest laboratory certification body in Canada with certified labs in all provinces. Our programs are not only expanding but also highly regarded across the Country.
CCIL Awards Program
CCIL has established a committee to oversee this project which is meant to recognize a government ministry/department or regulatory agency for undertaking a program or implementing a policy that reflects the vision and values of CCIL. The first award is to be presented to ON One-Call at CCIL’s April 28th, 2014 meeting in Toronto.
CCIL By-Laws
Canadian Legislation now requires that all Not-For-Profit organizations, such as CCIL, apply for A Continuance of their By-Laws by October of 2014. With due diligence by the committee overseeing this tedious task, our Articles of Continuance, along with our revised By-Laws, were sent to Industry Canada in November of 2013 and approved on December 27th, 2013.
Bureau Veritas acquires Maxxam Analytics
One of our largest Environmental/Life Sciences member labs, Maxxam Analytics, has just been acquired by Bureau Veritas whose headquarters are in Paris. Maxxam will continue to operate under its Maxxam brand. Bureau Veritas is determined to be the biggest testing company in the world. Our congratulations to Bureau Veritas for the acquisition of this very prominent company in our Canadian Environmental testing industry.
Tax-Favoured Competition
Tax-Favoured competition is still one of the main issues with all of our labs. CCIL will continue to help to promote its members’ independent testing services and continue to pursue those who continue to provide public testing facilities where independent facilities are well able to handle the work.
Warranty-Based and P3 Contracts
Warranty Based Contracts in Ontario and P3 Contracts in BC continue to be of great concern to CCIL, primarily because they frequently do not specify independent testing services. Executive Director Derwyn Reuber continues to push for meetings with different Ministers to ensure that CCIL`s views are duly recorded and that our opinions are clearly understood by the government agencies. In Ontario, CCIL has gone public with its concerns, issuing News Releases and giving media interviews.
2014 CCIL Directory
CCIL is in the midst of the preparation of its 9th CCIL directory of member firms. Printing and delivery of the directories is expected by the beginning of April with distribution on a National Level in that same month.
2014 Geotechnical/Construction Materials Benchmark Survey
CCIL has embarked on a 4th Benchmark survey for the members of the Geotechnical/Construction Materials Division. The project is well under way with results expected by the April 28th National Board Meeting, AGM and Meet your MPP event.
CCIL Scholarship
Our three year commitment to a scholarship fund has been reached and after much discussion at the last Board of Directors meeting, it was suggested that both divisions look at scholarship opportunities for CCIL.
Meet your MPP Reception – April 28, 2014
CCIL has organized for its members, a meet your MPP (Member of Provincial Parliament) Reception to be held immediately after its AGM on April 28th, 2014. This Meet your MPP will be held at the Provincial Legislature in Toronto where more than 50 MPPs will be invited to meet with their CCIL member constituents.
JEMCA implemented its Certified Environmental Measurer Test.
3.007 successful candidates have been reported over the past 6 years.
Proficiency Testing (PT) – Background and list of past & future projects
The Proficiency Testing (PT) program started from 1999, and have cohosted with JSAC (The Japan Society of Analytical Chemistry) from the year of 2006.
In 2011, JEMCA became the only host to the program. The 71th test is presently under implementation. The appendix shows past and ongoing tests implemented by JEMCA. Read More
Summary of Implementation Status of CEM Test
Number of applicants, candidates, passed candidates and passed rate of CEM Tests implemented during last nine years from FY2007 to FY2013 are shown on table next page (as of 1 April 2014). Read More
VRS bi-annual meeting on 13 November 2013 in Arnhem
The associations bi-annual meetings was held on 13 November 2013 in Arnhem.
At that meeting UILI strengthening of private laboratory membership has been discussed.
Membership of the 103 years old Vereniging van Raadgevend Scheikundige Laboratoria (VRS) consists now of 18 member companies with 22 personal members. Our company members are:
- Eurofins Analytico B.V.
- B.V. Handelslaboratorium v/h Dr. A. Verwey
- BAS B.V.
- Eurofins Scientific Group
- Kiwa Nederland B.V.
- LabWing B.V.
- NutriControl B.V.
- Nutrilab
- Omegam Laboratoria B.V.
- Qlip N.V.
- Saybolt Nederland B.V.
- Search Laboratorium B.V.
- SGS Management Services NV
- Shield Group
- TLR International Laboratories
- Vereenigde Laboratoria Drs. W.H. Nagel B.V.
The board of VRS now consists of:
- Drs. Hans van der Wart, President
- Drs. Jörgen van den Ende, Secretary and Treasurer.
UILI-EUROLAB Memorandum of Understanding Committee
UILI and EUROLAB have signed in April 2013 in Woerden, Nederland a Memorandum of understanding In order to develop ties of cooperation, avoid duplication of activities and to organize regular consultation on policy matters searching to achieve goals of common interest for their laboratory members. To implement and make effective the agreement a Working Group was created that meets several times a year to discuss both technical and political issues.
The working group has met in June and November of 2013 and recently in April 1 of this year. The W.G. has dealt several current laboratory sector issues such as:
- Document (ILAC P10 ) about new policy from ILAC for calibration
- New Revision of the ISO/IEC 17025
- APLAC POLICY For Certified Reference Material Producers
- Harmonization of activities within Global IAF, ILAC and Regional Associations of Accreditation bodies: ILAC and IAF are promoting the harmonization of activities between Global and Regional organizations of accreditation bodies and promoting the development of Regional organizations in different parts of the world.
In the last meeting on April 1 on Warsaw the group emphasized the importance of the mutual cooperation to work together in promoting the creation of REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS OF LABS WORLDWIDE so that these regional organizations could also re-enforce the paper of UILI. This proposal is very welcome in UILI but this is not an easy task, because in other regions of the world, laboratories are not as well organized as we are here in Europe. There are not regional organizations such as Eurolab nor even Country Associations in South America, Africa or Asia. So at the meeting several possible strategies were proposed to be developed in next years to achieve the goal.
ILAC News - Issue 45, 16 04 2014
Chair's Message by Peter Unger
In response to the recommendation of the ILAC Laboratory Committee, the ILAC General Assembly members voted overwhelmingly to initiate a new work item proposal (NWIP) to revise ISO/IEC 17025:2005.
The Executive Committee with the critical support of the Secretariat is expected to complete the task shortly after its mid-year meeting.
The NWIP would then be considered for adoption by the ISO Conformity Assessment Policy Committee (CASCO) up to a year before ISO/IEC 17025 would be due for review in 2015.
The first ILAC Conference in 1977
The Co-Founders of ILAC Howard I. Forman and Per Lund Thoft in action at the first ILAC conference held in Copenhagen in 1977.
ILAC Secretariat Update by Annette Dever, ILAC Secretary
World Accreditation Day
The ILAC Arrangement
New ILAC website
ILAC publications
ILAC Meetings
ILAC Membership
ILAC Executive
ILAC Liaisons
- ILAC Secretariat
Committee Meetings in Kyoto by Yoshinobu Uematsu, JAB
The ILAC Marketing and Communications Committee (MCC), IAF Communications Marketing Committee (CMC) and Joint Communication meetings were recently held in Kyoto, Japan over three days from 5-7 February 2014 hosted by IAJapan and JAB.
The participating organizations were ACCREDIA, ACLASS/ANAB, A2LA, CNAS, DANAK, IIOC, ILAC, JIPDEC, KAB, NATA, PAC, TAF, UKAS, IA Japan, and JAB.
(Peer Evaluators at the opening meeting of the KENAS Pre-Peer Evaluation)
(APLAC General Assembly, Da Nang, Vietman - September 2013)
AFRAC First Peer Evaluations
Kenya Accreditation Service (KENAS) Pre-Peer Evaluation: 26–30 AUGUST 2013 Tunisia Accreditation Council (TUNAC) Peer Evaluation: 12–16 DECEMBER 2013 Egyptian Accreditaiton Council (EGAC) Peer Evaluation: 1–6 FEBRUARY 2014 AFRAC’s Planned Pre & Peer Evaluations for 2014
APLAC by Michael and Janet
APLAC Membership
APLAC 2013 GA Week
APLAC General Assembly 2014
Training Courses
October 2013-March 2014
ARAC membership in IAF
Technical Cooperation
ARAC MLA Regional Workshop
Third ARAC MLA Committee Meeting
ARAC Peer Evaluations
ARAC Trainee Peer Evaluator at the Peer Evaluation of TUNAC by EA ILAC/AF General Assemblies and meetings in Seoul ARAC AB members accredited laboratories at the APLAC PT Programme Solar Heating Arab Marketing and Certification Initiative "SCHAMCI" system Upcoming Meetings Information and Publications
(ARAC- APLAC MoU Signing Ceremony)
IAAC activities from August 2013 to March 2014 IAAC Membership IAAC MLA Signatories IAAC Re-evalation process by ILAC-IAF Extensions of the IAAC MLA Improvements to the IAAC MLA Process Training Activities Proficiency Testing Programs Technical Cooperation Projects Cooperation with International and Regional Organisations Next IAAC Meetings
(ONAC of Colombia signed the IAAC MLA for the scopes of Testing and Calibration laboratories, in Mexico City, on March 17, 2014. Ileana Martinez, IAAC Chair; Francisco Piedrahita, ONAC Executive Director and Alexander Pineda, IAAC MLA Committee Chair)
BIPM - World Metrology Day
Measurements and the global energy challenge by Andy Henson, Director, International Liaison & Communication Department We are pleased to announce that the 2014 World Metrology Day Web Site is now live: Read more...
by Laurent Charlet, ISO/CASCO secretariat Like in the previous years, the work of the ISO committee on conformity assessment (CASCO) was intensive in 2013. Five international standards and technical specifications were published, including 2 new parts to ISO/IEC 17021 (requirements for certification bodies doing audit of management systems) on competence requirements for auditors in event sustainability and quality managements systems.
Renewal of MoU between ILAC and WADA Ten years of successful cooperation between the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) was reconfirmed at the IV World Conference on Doping in Sport held on 12-15 November 2013 in Johannesburg, South Africa by renewing the MoU.
(The purpose of energy management systems is to save energy. Photo: Mikael Ljungström)
(A visit by KAN Chairman to a testing Laboratory for natural gases - 1 April 2013)
SWEDAC Informs India About Energy Efficiency Swedish Board for Accreditation and Conformity Assessment (SWEDAC) Swedac in India to Inform about energy efficiency: Swedac participated at a conference in India to inform about energy efficiency together with the Swedish Energy Agency and SP (Technical Institute of Sweden). Swedac was represented by Elisabeth Leu. A delegation from the Swedish Energy Agency, SP and Swedac visited Hyderabad in India to participate in the conference “Energy Efficiency Summit”.
Swedac leads a multimillion project in the Agadir region sponsored by Sida: Sida (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) has decided to give Swedac the mission to lead a four-year long technical assistance project in the Agadir region. The aim is to enhance the free trade within the region and globally.
KAN Accreditation to Support Energy Management National Accreditation Body of Indonesia (KAN) Industrial development has had an important role in the economic growth of Indonesia. This sector consumes the largest portion of energy, e.g. in 2011 it was about 37.7%, followed by transportation 33.3% and household 10.2% of 836 barrel of oil equivalent in total. On the other hand, the energy supply mostly (about 95% in the same year) comes from fossil fuel sources, including oil, natural gas and coal, thus producing significant greenhouse gases.
The Importance of Energy Accreditation - KENAS Kenya Accreditation Service (KENAS) In the global economic sphere, energy is considered as one of the key driver of economic growth and development. More so in Kenya, the number of businesses and residents dependent on energy have doubled since the year 2007. As the energy demand grows, calls for more methods for harnessing, storing and sharing energy have been encouraged. Nonetheless, this has not shifted the attention from the need to ensure that all Kenyans have access to energy that is clean, and environmentally sustainable. This calls for accreditation of laboratories, inspection bodies and certification bodies to drive improvements and efficiency in the energy sector.
Development of Accreditation in the Gulf Region GCC Accreditation Centre (GAC) Update Organisation of the regional GCC conference on Accreditation and Laboratory Proficiency GAC organises a special training program and a regional workshop on Proficiency testing GAC organises free training on accreditation requirements Creation of the GCC Laboratories cooperation GULFLAB GAC cross frontier cooperation with accreditation bodies from exporting economies to GCC region GAC grants firtst accreditation in the frame of the GCC Toys Regulations and to Private laboratories in the member countries
Accreditation in Albania Is Moving Forward Directorate of Accreditation (DA) Accreditation Activities in Albania by Majlinda Xhema, Development Department DA pointed positive index on number of accreditations and applications.
DA holds a sucessful event for all accredited organisations DA round up in training for Proficiency Testing the testing laboratories and technical expert
PCA Poland Sampling Seminar
News from Polish Centre for Accreditation (PCA) More than 350 participants attended the seminar on sampling organized by Polish Centre for Accreditation on the first day of 16th International Trade Fair of Analytical, Measurement and Control Technology (Warsaw, 12-14 March 2014).
"The matter that we are going to present today has been intensively discussed for a long time, both within the European Union and at the forums provided by worldwide organizations associating national accreditation bodies: ILAC and IAF” – said Lucyna Olborska, Deputy Director of Polish Centre for Accreditation, in her address opening the seminar entitled: “Sampling in the activity of the accredited conformity assessment bodies”.
News from DAC Dubai
Dubai Accreditation Department (DAC)
Dubai Accreditation Department hosted the 3rd meetings of Halal Accreditation Committee of SMIIC DAC arranged symposium on Halal accreditation TSE delegation visited Dubai Accreditation Department DAC arranged open house meetings for medical laboratories and inspection bodies DAC conducted various training courses for conformity assessment bodies DAC arranged 3rd brainstorming session
(SMIIC meetings in Dubai)
Better Accreditation Facility Needed to Boost Export - BAB News from Bangladesh Accreditation Body (BAB) Industries Minister Amir Hossain Amu stressed the need for maintaining the quality of the country's export products in the international market and government is taking the issue seriously and trying to facilitate trade. He said that the industries ministry is helping to get the Bangladesh Accreditation Board (BAB) more global foothold by having the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) membership of International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation.
(Industries Minister Amir Hossain Amu, Board member of BAB Md Liaquat Ali, BAB Director General Md. Abu Abdullah, DCCI President Mohammad Shahjahan Khan and Business Initiative Leading Development Chairman Asif Ibrahim are showing BAB Published Accreditation Handbook at the DCCI auditorium.)
Research by CNAS China
CNAS’ research on accreditation of pressure vessel failure analysis inspection bodies CNAS has conducted a series of research on the accreditation of failure analysis bodies. CNAS is going to issue Guidance on Accreditation of Pressure Vessel Failure Analysis Bodies and Guidance on the Application of Inspection Body Competence Accreditation Criteria in the Field of Pressure Vessel Failure Analysis.
IA Japan “Economic Benefit of Accreditation” Seminar held at METI On February 10th, 2014, Mr. Jon Murthy, Marketing Communication Manager at UKAS and Chair of ILAC Marketing and Communications Committee (MCC) & IAF Communications Marketing Committee (CMC) spoke in Tokyo for the seminar titled “Economic Benefit of Accreditation” hosted by Japan Accreditation Council (JAC) at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).
(Mr. Jon Murthy, Marketing Communication Manager, UKAS and Chair of ILAC MCC & IAF CMC spoke at the seminar)
Expansion and Strengthening of OAA Argentina News from Argentina Accreditation Organisation (OAA) In 2013, the OAA has extended its scope of recognition in the Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC) and ILAC. Since last August, it is signatory to the IAAC MLA for the scope of Inspection Bodies and subsequently obtained the corresponding ILAC MRA recognition.
News from South Africa - SANAS
South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) SANAS launched new accreditation programme (by Mr Tumelo Ledimo, Project Manager) Status of Measurement and Verification (M & V) in South Africa SANAS accredits South Africa's first Occupational Hygiene Approved Inspection Authority
TAF Accredited Civil Engineering Laboratories Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) by Wei Huang Recently, TAF enhanced collaboration with the Third District Maintenance Construction Office, Ministry of Transportation and Communications. The quality of public construction requires the combined effort from regulator, construction contractor and civil engineering testing laboratory. Over the past few years, TAF advocated this concept which has come to receive recognition by the general public as well as regulatory authority. Regulator and construction contractor together decided the quality of the public construction upon its onset. As the check point, civil engineering testing laboratories merely provide the assurance. Placing emphasis on the regulation of civil engineering testing laboratories alone cannot effectively improve the quality of resulting construction. The ultimate goal is to strengthen the control of the quality of material and construction in the system.
Future of the Global Accreditation System - UKAS News from United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) Accreditation is used worldwide. In most developed economies there is a body similar to UKAS. UKAS is the UK signatory to European and international agreements that recognise equivalence of results provided by accredited organisations in other signatory countries. These agreements facilitate the removal of technical barriers to trade, enabling goods to move freely in international markets. It is important for goods and services tested in or provided from the UK to be accepted worldwide without the need for additional evaluation and, increasingly, accreditation is the means chosen to achieve this.
News from ACCREDIA
THE ROLE OF ACCREDITATION FOR PROMOTION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY IN BUILDINGS ACCREDIA signed an agreement with ITACA, the Institute for innovation and transparency of tenders and environmental compatibility, for the promotion of certifications issued under accreditation in support of regional policies for the environmental sustainability of buildings.
Eurachem Workshop on Quality in Analytical Measurements The Eurachem is organising an international workshop on “Quality in Analytical Measurements” to be held in Lisbon on Monday 19 to Wednesday 21 May 2014. This workshop will cover the most challenging technical details of the analytical process, including the chemical description of the analytical problem, producing measurements with adequate traceability and uncertainty, interpreting results based on objective evidence and reporting results to the client. The workshop will include invited lectures, short communications, poster sessions and breakout sessions. This event will also celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Eurachem.
What is HORIZON 2020?
Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation program ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to the private investment that this money will attract. It promises more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market.
Link to expand information: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en
The main challenges in food security by 2014 in Europe, new business opportunities for laboratories
The challenges are posed by the growing of international trade in food force to have powerful tools that allow you to respond, quickly and effectively to any crisis related to the food safety.
The European's food safety authority (EFSA) provides, for the next two years, an increasingdemand for assessment of risks and scientific advice in areas such as pesticides, GMOs ornew foods. To answer all these and other issues, this body has introduced the first Planmulti-year (MAP) covering the period 2014-2016.
The task in the field of food security for the next few years will be more dynamic that passive, especially in what refers to scientific advice.
- Well-being and animal health (bovine tuberculosis, African swine fever).
- Assessment of risks of pests on vegetables, which include Xylella fastidiosa, whose presence was confirmed for the first time in the EU by the end of 2013.
- Assessment of risks on mycotoxins, metals and contaminants from processing, such asacrylamide
- Analysis of various Fusarium toxins in food and feed.
- Biological study on pollutants, which will focus on the risk to public health that represent pathogens in foods: Salmonella, Yersinia, Shigella and norovirus.
- Works on transmissible encephalopathies (TSES) transmissible spongiform, that includethe infectivity of encephalopathy BSE (BSE) in the intestines of cattle.
- Continuation of assessments of the methodologies of molecular typing of the mainmicrobiological risks transmitted by food.
- Monitoring of Listeria in food ready for consumption. To do this, you will investigate thesequencing of the genome of the pathogen.
- Assessment of dietary exposure to hazardous compounds.
- Re-evaluation of authorized food additives and new uses.
- Completing a project over 100 examples of chemical mixtures toxicological data.
- Identification of emerging risks and strengthening of the REACH project to characterize the potential chemical hazards in the food chain.
- Ensure the safe use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in food and feed.
- Continue the work on the health of bees and new assessments about the risks of certainsubstances such as neonicotinoids.
- Analysis above antimicrobials and resistance, in collaboration with the European Centre forthe prevention and Control of diseases (ECDC) and the European Medicines Agency.
EFSA provides for an increase in the demand for evaluations of risks and scientific advice in areas such as novel foods, pesticides, plant pests and enzymes
Click this button to register for membership.
Register for Membership for only € 180 per year
The present membership of over a 1000 private
laboratories or
independent consultants provides a diverse range of laboratory
testing and consultancy
services. A recent survey, whilst
recognizing that a few laboratories had staff levels of over 700,
confirmed that in excess of 75 percent of independent laboratories employed a total staff of less than 25.
For information about membership please contact
Mrs. Melissa Fernández Valero
at info@uili.org
UILI membership benefits to all members:
- Free UILI newsletters and other information leaflets.
- Access to the "Register of Members".
Representation and participation in the workings of national or international standard bodies such as ILAC, UNIDO and ISO.
Representation at International
Laboratory Accreditation
Conferences and Task Force meetings.
Opportunities for personal contact
with other laboratory
Advice and encouragement in developing technical
- Preferential fees for conferences and seminars.
Active assistance from the
Secretariat and other UILI
- Access to documents on the UILI website.
Click here
to register for membership.