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Invitation to the 2015 UILI LABMEETING
Global Markets, Global Accreditation and Global Organizations of laboratories

It gives me great pleasure to alert you to the '2015 UILI LABMEETING’ that the International Union of Independent Laboratories (UILI) on September 17th, 2015 will organize in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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From the presidents-desk - Dr. M. Fernandez Alonso

The '2015 UILI LABMEETING' should be seen as an initiative to raise awareness for the importance of the laboratory industry societal level. From this perspective, it also forecasts composite talks: many social and economic aspects of laboratory testing do pass in review by prominent speakers from around the globe.

I express the expectation that the '2015 UILI LABMEETING’ will give a valuable contribution to the image and authority of the laboratory sector and invite you to reserve Thursday, September 17th, 2015 in your calendar.

I refer to the website of UILI ( there you can find all information and documentation concerning our labmeeting.

preliminary program

UILI - Union Internationale des Laboratoires Indépendants

On behalf of the Governing Board,

Dr. M. Fernandez Alonso
13th UILI President

Thursday Sept. 17th

Program 2015 UILI LabMeeting

Thursday 17th


08:30 – 10:00 26th General Assembly UILI
10:00 – 10:30 Reception of participants / coffee break
10:30 – 11:30 Global Markets, Global Accreditation and Global Organizations of laboratories.
  • Opening:
    - Dr. Manahén Fernández, President of UILI (Union Internationale des Laboratoires Indépendants).
    - Dr. José Horacio Denari, President of CALIBA (Cámara Argentina de Laboratorios Independientes, Bromatológicos, Ambientales y Afines) and owner of LADIAC laboratory.
    - Authorities of Argentinian Government*.
11:30 – 13:30 Globalization of laboratory business
Moderator: Dr. Álvaro Silva Ribeiro
  • ‘Harmonization of European regulations and national legislation hindering globalization of laboratory business’, Drs. Luc Scholtis, Secretary General of UILI.
  • ‘Laboratory business in Asian Region in services for the specific chemicals covered under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)’, Dr. Toru Matsumura, Treasurer of UILI.
  • ‘The perspective of laboratories in the African region in the area of laboratory business, regulations & accreditation and global business’, Mrs. Mary-Anne Adeeko, Manager Director of Frals Testing (Nigeria).
  • ‘The perspective of laboratory business in Argentina, regulations & accreditation and global business‘, Lic. Gabriel Valerga, Owner of Grupo INDUSER SRL (Argentina).
  • ‘The Perspective of laboratory business in Latin America, regulation & accreditation and global business‘, Dr. Alfredo Montes-Niño, Manager Director of Microbióticos Paraguay-Uruguay-Brasil.
13:30 – 15:00 Lunch
15:30 – 18:30 The Laboratories Associations in the world
Moderator: Drs. Luc Scholtis
  • ‘Associations of laboratories in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities’, Dr. Álvaro Silva Ribeiro, President of RELACRE (Associaçao De Laboratórios Acreditados de Portugal) and President of EUROLAB (European Federation of National Associations of Measurements, Testing and Analytical Laboratories).
  • ‘New challenges for the Laboratory Community: The EUROLAB point of view and the need to strength the labs cooperation around the world’, Mr. José Luis Sánchez, General Director of CEIS (Centro de Ensayos, Innovación y Servicios, España)*.
  • ‘The Japanese Laboratory Association experience: JEMCA’s Introduction‘, Mr. Masahiro Tanaka, President of JEMCA (Japan Environmental Measurement and Chemical Analysis Association).
  • ‘Experience of laboratories Association in ARGENTINA, and relations with new regulations and accreditation bodies‘, Dr. Horacio Denari, President of CALIBA.
  • General discussion

*not confirmed yet
UILI LABMEETING welcomes: UILI LABMEETING welcomes: logo's

Secretariate Melissa Fernández Valero For information about the 2015
UILI LabMeeting please contact Mrs. Melissa Fernández Valero at

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