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GUM and VIM web based survey

To General Directors and Presidents of the Member
Organizations of the JCGM
cc. Members of the JCGM WG 1 and WG2

Sevres, 2 February 2012

Dear Madam or Sir,

I am pleased to contact you about progress concerning decision taken at last JCGM plenary meeting, held at the BIPM on 7 December 2011.
As you may remember, consensus was reached at the meeting among the eight Member Organizations of the JCGM to circulate two documents in order to get feedback from the users of the JCGM products, namely:
• a rationale paper on the revision of the GUM, and
• a questionnaire on the usability of the VIM3.

These two documents have been worked out by the JCGM Working Groups 1 and 2, and are now presented as web-based surveys available from the Joint BIPM/OIML portal at the address: The analysis of the comments on the GUM rationale paper, as well as the answers to the VIM3 questionnaire, will be greatly facilitated if they are collected through these web-based facilities. Therefore it would be best not to circulate the documents themselves among the Member Organizations, but that you communicate the above web address to your contacts so they could participate in these inquiries.

I thus propose the following way forward:

  1. Please acknowledge reception of the present letter.
  2. Each Organization will inform its Member Bodies on the surveys that are currently conducted on the GUM and the VIM3, providing them with the web address mentioned above and asking them to use the proposed web-based facilities. The deadline for participating in the surveys is set to 15 June 2012.
  3. The JCGM Chairman will report on the results of this consultation to all Member Organizations well in advance of next JCGM plenary meeting, scheduled on 5 December 2012, so they could be discussed in depth at that meeting.

Yours sincerely,


M. Kühne