Introduction of SRRCE, the newly established organization
Establishment of SRRCE
The Society for Remediation of Radioactive Contamination in the Environment (SRRCE) is established in 28 November 2011. Mr. Tsuneo Hashiba, the President of Japan Environmental Measurement and Chemical Analysis Association (JEMCA) and Dr. Hideo Tabata, the former President of JEMCA is contributing to SRRCE as board member.
The Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident due to the Great East Japan Earthquake has caused severe radiation damage to the environment in and out of Japan. The level of measures taken by the Japanese government has become one of the most serious environmental issue in Japan, and a quick recovery from the radioactive contamination is now required for the nation’s safety.
Traditionally, radioactive decontamination has scoped on small-size radiation leaks mainly in laboratories handling radioactive isotopes. The scale of radioactive contamination due to the accident in Fukushima Pref. has been extremely large , and societies in those areas are now suffering from fear against radioactive risks. Measures are to be considered important, however, there is a financial limitation, citizen agreement procedure is required in accepting radioactive residue, and there is problem in downsizing contaminated debris. Moreover, new techniques are required to contain radioactivity substances left in facilities in Fukushima Pref., and so it is now for experts over academic borders to work together, discuss, and exchange knowledge.
SRRCE is an organization of comprehensive science on radioactive decontamination focusing globally. We plan to have activities based on fields of fundamental and applied science, such as, Radiochemistry, Civil Engineering, Science on Water Environment, Waste Management, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Jurisprudence, Inorganic Chemistry, Environmental Economics, Risk Management, Radiobiology, and so on.
Masatoshi MORITA, Prof. Dr.
The Society for Remediation of Radioactive Contamination in the Environment (SRRCE)
Focusing on decontamination of radioactivity in environment, SRRCE’s activities are collecting and providing information, supporting R&D, evaluating decontamination business, and issuing relative journals.
In addition to the secretariat in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Pref., SRRCE is planning to have office in Tokyo and Fukushima Pref. Based on these sites, SRRCE implement the following activities;
- Working Group
1.1 Legal System WG
Alignment with ongoing law, possibility of new legislation, issues on labor health.
1.2 Decontamination Assessment WG
Risk management, cost efficiency, comprehensive system designing.
1.3 Technical-WG 1: Measurement technology, accuracy control, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Fate
1.4 Technical-WG 2: Contamination in lands, urban area, commonland, agricultural site, forest land.
1.5 Technical-WG 3: Waste contamination, decontamination and management.
1.6 Technical-WG 4: Water contamination, water treatment, sea and river decontamination.
1.7 Technical-WG 5: Decontamination of buildings, living creatures, houses, concrete buildings, sealed ways, foods, wild life, and others.
1.8 Technical-WG 6: Communication technology
1.9 Communication & Training WG: Risk Communication, training, certification for decontamination advisors, introducing certified decontamination advisors.
- Events
2.1 Symposiums (1/year)
The first symposium is going to be held on 19 and 20 May 2012 in Iizaka, Fukushima Pref.
2.2 Lectures (4/year)
1st : 28 November 2011 in Tokyo (The organizing memorial lecture)
2nd: 5 March 2012 in Tokyo
2.3 Technical Tour to Fukushima Pref.