From the Secretary-General's desk
In the past year the Governing Board started to work on a membership recruitment effort. In this process we not only redesigned the UILI website but we also developed a complete new membership recruitment package. Any laboratory organization interested in joining UILI should now register on our website. |
UILI invites sponsors to advertise on our website In 2007 UILI introduced a new category of members for laboratory suppliers. Laboratory suppliers can join UILI as an associate member.
As part of the associate membership plan these members can now sponsor UILI by advertising on the UILI website. The total fee for associate membership including the webadvertising scrolling banner is € 1.200 per year. You can apply for associate membership with an e-mail to secretary-general@uili.org or register on the website.
By becoming a member of UILI RELACRE now has a seat on the Governing Board. Dr. Ribeiro attended his first UILI board meeting in Lisbon. |
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