Membership Membership of the 102 years old Vereniging van Raadgevend Scheikundige Laboratoria (VRS) consists now of 14 member companies with 18 personal members.
The board of VRS now consists of: Drs. Hans van der Wart, President and Drs. Jörgen van den Ende, Secretary and treasurer.
General Assemblies The association's bi-annual (spring) meeting was held on 12 June, 2012 in Kasteel Heemstede in Houten. At that meeting UILI's strengthening of private laboratory membership was discussed. In it's (autumn) meeting on 12 November 2012 the members of our association decided to continue UILI membership.
Fenelab, de branchevereniging van geaccrediteerde laboratoria, kalibratie- en inspectie-instellingen in Nederland
As a part of the activities within the laboratory sector are deployed within FeNelab we include here some of their activities.
Committee Corporate Social Responsinbility Fenelab has a new committee Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Ondernemen (MVO). On 24 October 2012 will be the inaugural meeting of the new sector Fenelab Electro. The Fenelab Conduct is rewritten and will be published in a short time.
The board of Fenelab now consists of the following members: R.A.J. Dijkstra - DARE!!, president dr. ir. R.F.M. van Gorcom - RIKILT, vice-president C. van 't Wout - VSL B.V., treasurer * ir. J.A. van Herpen - KOAC-NPC b.v., secretary drs. W.A.J. Mandersloot - TNO M. Tielemans - Het Waterlaboratorium N.V. H. Tolman - KBBL Wijhe B.V. * drs. J.H.F. van der Wart - Eurofins Analytico B.V. * R. Zantman - ALcontrol Laboratories * These board members of Fenelab are a VRS-member.
Public Relations Fenelab has organized a seminar at "Het Instrument" (26/09/2012). Fenelab slogan 2012 is "Fenelab stands for quality and craftsmanship". Several members of Fenelab participated in the Lab Experience Days. Fenelab has cooperated with a working group of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment "Environmental Laboratories and General Rules". Several brochures were released, including a brochure "What is accreditation".
Eurolab Fenelab supplied also last year a Eurolab aisbl BoA member (Jan Basten was again re-elected on the GA in April, treasurer). Eurolab has made progress presentations by Jan Basten on the bi-annual Fenelab membership meetings and in most of the board meetings. Wart Mandersloot take part in TCQA for 1 year and is preparing as successor of Jan Basten as Fenelab representative at the GA and NMM. Naturally the (reduced) Eurolab-fee 2012 was discussed.
Guide on Occupational Safety and Health The Fenelab-Arbo Catalogue (Guide on Occupational Safety and Health) is made available to Eurolab and translated into English. NL-links were replaced by general EU links.
All national associations have received this guide to support their members (possibly after translation in their national language). Many of the upgrading ideas by Jan Basten are also taken by Eurolab. Jan Basten has also written a Eurolab SWOT analysis + action plan on paper. Fenelab supplied national news for the new Eurolab newsletter. The latest Fenelab newsletter is attached.
Fenelab participated in several surveys from the Eurolab TCQA (e.g. impact of EU legislation on new national monopoly status of the accreditation organizations). Fenelab brought an item to the table in TCQA (reduction of accreditation audits of good participation in ILCs and / or peer evaluations). Recently a memo by the sector commission construction about the situation in the Dutch public buildingsector was released.
Drs Luc H.A. Scholtis VRS Representative to the UILI Governing Board |