Contribute to ILAC News
Dear ILAC Members and Colleagues,
The next edition of ILAC News will be published in October 2013. We would like to invite you to contribute to this issue with news from your organisation.
As in the past, your article should be short and focused on the main points you wish to address and written as if you were speaking to someone. Also, if you use acronyms or abbreviations of names of documents, working groups or organisations could you please ensure the full title is also included when the acronym is first used. Your articles must be forwarded as a word document to enable any minor editing that may be needed and to also ensure it can be transferred into the software used for publishing ILAC News in the electronic format.
Photographs to accompany your article are particularly encouraged. To ensure the pictures are of a suitable quality in the on-line newsletter, the images should be taken with at least a 4 megapixel digital camera and should be no smaller than 1 megabyte, or if scanned from a print should be a minimum of 300 dpi. All images should be in JPEG format. Please note we are no longer able to use photos embedded in word documents, so please ensure the photos are forwarded to us as separate images.
Also, just a reminder, that our email system can only accept emails, including any attachments, up to 10Mb in size. Therefore if your article and the accompanying photos are larger than this, would you please send them attached to separate emails to ensure we receive them.
Please forward your contributions to the ILAC Secretariat by this date, to ensure inclusion in the next edition of ILAC News.
Kind regards
Sharon Kelly
ILAC Secretariat
PO Box 7507
Silverwater NSW 2128
Tel: +61 2 9736 8374
Fax: +61 2 9736 8373